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Customize Your Own Playbooks, Toolkits & Games 

Although all of our business games and playbooks are a perfect fit for any organization as off-the-shelf tools, you might want to “pimp your toolkit” with custom branding and logos. Or translate into your preferred language. Or customize the playbook for your product portfolio and business processes. And yes, we do it all! 

In fact, this is how our team started way back in the beginning –  by creating bespoke business games, toolkits and playbooks for companies like Airbus, Rabobank, and Liberty Global. And leading onsite and remote workshops and team training sessions to help our clients create and implement winning business strategies, to incorporate best practices into daily processes (e.g. marketing, sales, product development) and to build centers of excellence for innovation, corporate culture and transformation.

Customize playbooks, toolkits and games to align with your own strategies, product portfolio, business workflows and platforms. Accelerate team productivity, boost knowledge transfer and improve business performance.

Strategy, Products & Processes

Although English is our default language, our tools are used around the globe. Our multi-lingual team has either created native language versions or translated our business tools into Dutch, German, Spanish, French and Arabic.

Language & Translation

Branding & Logos

Every company loves to promote their brand! Pimp your Playbook Toolkit by adding your logo and brand identity – especially when using the games, toolkits and playbooks in client training and workshops, at events and conferences, or collaborative sessions with customers, partners and suppliers.



Bringing Innovation

to the Field 

With B2B and B2C markets spanning across three continents, a South American-HQ cannabis company was searching for a way to accelerate innovation across their entire supply chain – from cultivation in the field to co-creation with partners. Their challenge: boosting ideation, accelerating collaboration and driving innovation with teams who didn’t have daily access to digital tools. The solution: working with the PlaybookToolkit team, they introduced 30 Step Challenge Cards (in Spanish) to introduce best innovation processes and accelerate ideation with teams working in cultivation and production.  

More Use Cases
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